Buildit Materials
J-Bar Lintels

J-Bar (260/90 x 200mm x 10mm)

Each J Bar is Galvanised to Australian Standards. J-Bars are stronger, more durable and ultimately safer. We sell traditional J-Bars in a variety of lengths as stated below.


In stock



  • We sell J-Bar lintels individually

  • Fully hot dipped galvanised

  • Fully engineered 
  • The J-Bar shelf beam is the ideal solution for either double brick or brick veneer.

260mm/90mm (Vertical leg) x 200mm x 10mm (Base leg)

Shipping Policy

Your products can be shipped to Sydney metro areas, Blue Mountains, Newcastle and Hunter regions and surrounds.

The estimated delivery date will be within 2-5 business days (If selected materials are in stock).

When ‘Pick a Date’ is selected, you can enter order notes regarding your preferred delivery date in the text box when you add your selected product(s) in the cart.

Shipping prices are calculated based on distance, please enter your shipping address at the checkout to calculate shipping costs.

Click here to view our full Terms & Conditions.

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items for a credit within 7 days of delivery however, it will be subject to cartage costs plus a reduction of 20% of the invoice value to cover handling and restocking fees. We don't accept opened pallets of goods, they must be in the original state they were in upon delivery. We don't accept returns for goods especially obtained, imported, made to order or packaged with used products. Click here to submit a return.

Damaged Goods

The supplier will not be liable for any claim for damage to the goods, however the following criteria must be met:

1. You must fill out our returns form within 2 days of delivery.

2. The Goods in question should be set aside for inspection by a BuildIt Materials representative.

BuildIt Materials will not be liable for defects or damage affecting 5% or less of the following goods: Clay, concrete or tile Goods supplied to the customer. Click here to submit a return.